According to the PA Game commission Red and gray foxes are small, agile carnivores belonging to the same family (Canidae) as the dog, coyote and wolf. Both red and gray foxes are found throughout Pennsylvania. They are nocturnal and I personally had never seen one in the day until now.
Foxes are "opportunists" when it comes to feeding. This means they will eat whatever is most easily obtained. This fox seemed young as he did not run from me but kept running up the road and along side.
The 'Kits' or "Pups' leave the den area in mid-July or August and may forage with their parents for another month until the family disbands. That fits the time schedule for this to be a 'pup'
He then gave me one last long look and was gone into the bushes. I was so thankful to have seen this beautiful creature. What blessings come when you are looking!
To God Be The Glory ~ Great Things He Hath Done