When I come in on the ferry and see Lady Liberty with her torch upheld to the sky, I can't help but think about what the first immigrants arriving here must have thought. It is always an emotional sight to me.
What hope She gave as she came into sight! And at the same time what fears abound.
"Give me your tired, your poor,Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me.I lift my lamp beside the golden door."
"The New Colossus", a sonnet written in 1883 by Emma Lazarus.Emma died at the age of 38 in 1887. The words from her sonnet were engraved at the base of the Statue in 1912.
The Statue of Liberty was a gift to the people of the United States from the people of France. She stands in the middle of the harbor of New York City and is a symbol of hope and freedom for immigrants.
I can't visit the Statue of Liberty and not think about those immigrants that came over on ships, most in the lowest class accommodations in the bottom of the boat called 'stearage'
They packed them in tight when you traveled in stearage and diseases spread like wildfire. Most were cured, but one of the first things they did was give you a quickie medical exam. If they found something they wrote a letter on your lapel, and sent you out for more examinations.
I love the stories and history of Ellis Island. If you are ever there be sure not to miss the tour and watch the movie about the 'fears and tears'. Some would be sent back, and others separated from family members, and others still, who shed tears upon leaving their homeland to never again return home for just the opportunity of work in this New country.
Read more about Ellis Island here
Today, the museum receives almost 2 million visitors annually.
About the Statue of Liberty:
The Statue's copper skin weighs more than 62,000 pounds. The difficult task
of supporting this heavy load was further complicated by the Statue's unusual
shape,its off-balance arm, and the high winds of NY Harbor. To overcome
these obstacles they turned to the brilliant engineer, Gustave Eiffel, who
devised an ingenious new support system. The price tag for building
the pedestal and erecting the Statue $300,000.
More than 300 ships all sizes and kinds were anchored off the island on
October 28, 1886,the day the Statue was dedicated. Nearly 1 million
people watched and took part in the land parade.
The largest NY had ever seen.
About the Statue of Liberty:
The Statue's copper skin weighs more than 62,000 pounds. The difficult task
of supporting this heavy load was further complicated by the Statue's unusual
shape,its off-balance arm, and the high winds of NY Harbor. To overcome
these obstacles they turned to the brilliant engineer, Gustave Eiffel, who
devised an ingenious new support system. The price tag for building
the pedestal and erecting the Statue $300,000.
More than 300 ships all sizes and kinds were anchored off the island on
October 28, 1886,the day the Statue was dedicated. Nearly 1 million
people watched and took part in the land parade.
The largest NY had ever seen.
trip over to Ellis Island and The Statue of Liberty
ON the left......My youngest child.. Holly, and her husband Justin.
We walked.. leaving the elevators for the very
young and old. I thought I would get behind, so I
counted steps... on 99 I had to take a break and
surprisingly so did both of them!
Once up the stairs on the upper level we saw pictures
posters, and read information about how Lady Liberty
came to pass.
posters, and read information about how Lady Liberty
came to pass.
Here I am alongside a replica of the face.