And the reasons behind it.I don't think a true - dyed in the wool - BIRDWATCHER
would readily admit hating a 'bird' but the truth of the
matter is there are certain species we dislike a LOT!
First and foremost would be the House Sparrow.
I took these pictures one sunny day through the
lattice of the front porch at work. I liked the birds
sitting in the Holly berry bushes.
A little history here will help us understand where these
birds came from in the first place.
The House Sparrow (8 pairs) was introduced into Brooklyn, NY
in 1851. By 1900 they had migrated to the Rocky Mtns.
Population in the west was aided by additional
introductions in San Fran. CA
and Salt Lake City.
They are of Eurasian origin and were brought to N. Am.
to eat pests that harm crops, but turned out to be mostly
vegetarian.They are not closely related to N. Am Sparrows
but belong to 'Old World Sparrows' or 'Weaver Finches'.
They are hated because they will take over nest boxes
belonging to Bluebirds and other beloved songbirds.
If you have the heart for it...they are permitted to
be removed in various ways from your yard.
In the right setting they can be just as attractive
as the next....
Probably the second most hated bird is the European
Starling! When I come home from work and hear a rather
loud roar from the backyard and see a tree that looks
like this... I know the feeders are or will soon be empty.
They are ravenous and their hearty appetite
will certainly wipe you out in a short time.
Their origin: Europe.
40 pairs were released in N.Y. Central
Park in 1890 by Eugene Schieffelin, a German immigrant who
wanted to honour his homeland. He attempted to release every
species of bird mentioned in Shakespeare's plays. By 1959
the Starling had reached the Pacific coast. In 2002 the
population was 200 million.
While in NJ earlier in the winter I took these photos
of Starlings seeking warmth where heat is released
on top of a building.
These birds too can be eliminated from your yard if you
so desire to do it.
Another much prettier bird has also gotten the rap
for being a 'hog' at the feeders and will throw
your seeds out and chase away other birds..
The Blue Jay.
They are aggressive and noisy and because they
drive other birds away some people dislike them at
their feeders.
But flip side to that would their ability to sound the
alarm when a predator (hawk) lands nearby,
thus, protecting all the song birds.
The next bird that some will discourage from their yards
is the House Wren. As beautiful as he looks here
in the nest box... he has qualities that are not endearing.
The suburban-loving little brown bird often takes
over all the birdhouses in its general vicinity,
keeping all other species from using them.
An innocent he is NOT...
The House Wren will puncture eggs
of other species nesting in nest boxes.
I encourage my wrens as I do not have bluebirds
or other birds nesting in my yard.
Sorry Shelley and 'Bob' but I have to bring this up.
Some people do not like the pretty Mourning Doves
because they will not only drink from your water
but yes! poop in it.
bathe in it......
And just generally sit in it and not let others birds
in to drink. They also will roost in your gutters,
your porch rafters, and make quite a big
mess when they have young.
Don't worry Shelley, I love my Doves!!
Bob's relatives are welcome here.
Last by not least we in the Northeast learned that
these cute little birds that visited for the first time
became a nuisance before too long.
You've but to look at these pictures to see why. They
are super aggressive and will chase away other birds
from the feeders.
No bird seems to be seen as a threat
When you see the beauty of that yellow under wing
you know a skirmish is on.
Get out! Get out! the Siskin says. This is MY feeder.
In all things of Nature there is something
of the marvelous...
.ArisotleIf we look...
we can find beauty right there among the things we dislike the most.
To God be The Glory ~~ Great Things He Hath Done.