A Few last highlights of the trip.
Food is very important when we travel. Shirley's restaurant in TN had the BEST breakfast ever.
This place didn't look like much but.......
It had the best home made hot biscuits you ever tasted! The eggs and sausage gravy came in a close second.
Another place right up there on the list was Mels Diner (Gatlinburg TN)
Who wouldn't want to dine in an old fashioned place like this?
Remember Flo and "kiss my Grits"
Traveling down a windy country road in TN we saw this man making brooms. I stopped and bought one. He is a 4th generation broom maker! Best broom ever!
While in Ky we stayed at our friends' (Ralph and Pat) property. This is their beautiful log cabin where we spent many hours on the porch. Their property was just gorgeous. As you will see by the next few pictures.
I loved the early morning mist
We took a few day trips. One was to Cumberland Falls. They call it the little Niagara Falls of Ky
My brother David taking a picture
One trip was to Old Sublimity Bridge in Laurel County Ky.
The bridge was built in 1942 by the CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) It connects Laurel and Pulaski County.
The pedestrian only bridge gives great views of the Rockcastle River
A little history lesson:
Brigadier General Felix K Zollicoffer (1812-1862) was killed in action while leading his brigade during the Battle of Mill Springs,(Jan. 1862)
The Confederates left some 125 dead on the field and the Union soldiers interred them in a mass grave a few yards from the place where their general had fallen. In the mud and fog and rain the near- sighted General Zollicoffer mistook the enemy for his own troops and was shot dead. Federal soldiers dragged Zollicoffer's body out of the road and propped it up against a white oak at roadside where it remained for the rest of the battle.
Souvenir-seekers clipped buttons from his coat and locks of his hair. Legend has it the scavenging continued until the body was clad only in underwear. His body was returned to his family in Nashville where he is buried
Souvenir-seekers clipped buttons from his coat and locks of his hair. Legend has it the scavenging continued until the body was clad only in underwear. His body was returned to his family in Nashville where he is buried
Later stones were erected with names of the fallen.
Turning again towards food: We saw this sign and had to stop by
Now you have to realize it is June and no fresh tomatoes or corn is being sold in PA so I was in heaven. We bought green beans, tomatoes, corn, and cantaloupe. Ralph cooked up those beans with some fatback and we had steak that night with beans, sweet potatoes and 'maters' Oh my gosh it was divine. What a perfect way to bring this vacation to end!
To God Be The Glory ~~ Great Things He hath Done
Now you have to realize it is June and no fresh tomatoes or corn is being sold in PA so I was in heaven. We bought green beans, tomatoes, corn, and cantaloupe. Ralph cooked up those beans with some fatback and we had steak that night with beans, sweet potatoes and 'maters' Oh my gosh it was divine. What a perfect way to bring this vacation to end!
To God Be The Glory ~~ Great Things He hath Done