Another face of Central Park! Be sure to catch them all in this series. From beautiful scenes to famous Statues to 'Birding' to some of the creatures that live here. A few more faces to come. Don't miss one! As you walk through out the 843 acres that make up Central Park you are of the illusion that you are not in the city. I used to 'hate' the city with the buildings, noise, smells, traffic, etc.etc. It was like chaos to me. BUT.....when I discovered the Park I then could sing "I love New York" This 'jane and barbie' adventure did not leave me wanting... Thanks Barbie for pulling me arm and enticing me to come.
In the Ramble you can walk through dense bushes, trees, small streams
and find a pond that looks like a country scene for sure.
You would not think city when you see these people
out in their row boats for the afternoon, except for the
sky scape of NY in the background.
New York's Central Park is the first urban landscaped park in the United States
Conceived by wealthy New Yorkers in the early 1850's, the park project
spanned more than a decade and cost the city ten million dollars
Chosen by the city and the park planners because its terrain was unsuitable
for commercial building, the site for the new park offered rocky vistas, swamps
which would be converted into lakes, and the old city reservoir.
It became the Park for the wealthy for the first decade because
it was too far uptown for the working class to come. But by the
1920's it became the Park of the People, and by the 1970's it was
fast becoming the Park of the World.
If you would like to read more about the Park go here:
History of Central Park
What the planners did not anticipate was how much wildlife would come
and stay in Central Park. The Birds would stop by in migration for a
much needed rest and refuel from travel, and somehow other wildlife would
find their way, stay and raise their families here.
As we walked through the Ramble we spotted two bull
frogs along the waters edge.
At Harlem Meer the Black Crown Night Heron shares his spot
with the turtles. Click for a closer look.
I haven't seen this many turtles at ponds near me.. and when
you do they skitter into the water faster than you can say boo!
One little.........
You never know what you will see next while walking here..
This was a pet rabbit someone brought to the Park.
This was a pet rabbit someone brought to the Park.
Wonderful pictures! I am so impressed with all the great nature-y things that you got to see.
New York, New York...You and Barb had wonderful fun, didn't you? I love the photo of the 3 turtles on the rock. Thanks.
Thanks girls...
We did have a wonderful time. I didn't want to come home.
It is wonderful that nature survives even in the most populated (by humans) places..Odd to see the animals in such a staged and un natural environment.. thanks for sharing
I am loving this tour of Central Park with you! I bet it was just as fun people watching as it was bird & turtle watching :-)
Thank you for sharing a little of the history of it with me.
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