Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Ducky Down Days at the Pond

While water birds are not usually what I see, I did have a lot
of fun watching and photographing these guys at a nearby pond.

While Mallards are the most common of domestic ducks
it does not diminish their beauty.
The male's coloring ranges from the iridescent green head to
purple in the feathers and blue when they fly. The
Female is mottled brown. Look for these colors in the pictures
to follow.

Put your left foot out and turn yourself around....
and let the games begin.
The Master of Ceremonies Solemnly surveys the pond's
participants as he gets ready for the day

Let the Story and the Fun Commence!
Two Mallards are having a race with a Pie Billed Grebe.

Hey! I'm bigger and faster .... Come back here.

A new comer has arrived on the red eye Late Express.

I can do it , I can do it, Yup! Ducks can hop up like this.

Meanwhile on the other side of the pond the
'Get Your Ducks in a Row' parade is forming.

I see we have a member of the Royal family from England
wearing a Queenie type feather hat.

The Grebe looks on happy to have won the first race.

Looks like more than one member of the Royal Family is here today.
Uh Ohh! There is a 17 Duck Pile up at the far end of the

The parade continues.

Get up there Mama, they're leaving us behind.

Oh My Gosh! We are graced to have Mrs. Wood Duck here today.

She knows she is the most beautiful Duck on the pond.Right and Left side views are equally as pretty.

Okay Okay!! I won't take anymore pictures. I don't want to be the Paparazzi.As Mr. Mallard contemplates the afternoon he is more
than happy that everyone had a good time
and looks forward to another event soon.

Look for Ducky Down Days at a Pond near you.


Stacey Olson said...

Great post today.. Love the commentary..LOL Ducks are such funny little creatures. and your right often times I DO feel like the wildlife paparatzi, just not quite as pushy

Jotter Jan said...

That series was just ducky!!! Loved the Grebe!!!

jalynn01 said...

Thanks Stacy!

Yes Jan it was 'Ducky' Thanks! First time opt for a grebe for me!

Marsha said...

I agree...these are all "just ducky" :-) I love the way you captured the brillance in their bright green heads.

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