Monday, November 3, 2008

Surprise Breakfast Visitor

Beauty can be found in beginnings as well as in
endings, for they are each apart of life's journey.
Author unknown

Keep your eyes open.... you never know what you will
see out the window.. And keep the camera close too.

When I got up this morning it was still a little dark outside.
I saw this bird from my bathroom window and knew it
wasn't just any bird. But it took me a while to ID it.

It sure looked like a Male Rose-breasted Grosbeak, but I
haven't seen one of these since about July.

They usually show up at the feeder in late April or
early May, not in November.

He stayed in the tree for at least a half hour, just looking
around and turning his head in one direction and then the other.
After taking many pictures, I had to jump in the shower
and start the day. When I came out he was gone from
the tree, but I found him on my feeder.

You can sure tell he is immature as his red neck is
still not turned yet.... streaks of pinkish red now or.....
is it a female? I can't make up my mind. The female
does not have the red???? But she has the eye stripes!
And the usual black and white back and tail feathers have
quite a lot of brown like the male...
The female would be all brown...

Quite a difference from the first siting last Spring!
To God be The Glory ~~ Great Things He Hath Done


Lynne at Hasty Brook said...

Our Rose-breasted Gorsbeaks are long gone for the winter but I sure look forward to seeing them come through in the spring.

Lynne at Hasty Brook said...

Ummm...I meant Grosbeaks.
need to read before I hit publish...

Peggy said...

He is beautiful, but you are right, a far cry from the black n rose! Kinda female/male mix of colors going on!

The Birdlady said...

He'd better get a move on...Great shots.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Great pictures.I think that it might be a male in fall plumage.

NCmountainwoman said...

Definitely a juvenile male. What in the world is he thinking? Better get moving, guy. Great shots.

Tina said...

Oh, what a nice way to start your day! He's very handsome. Good eye to catch him from an upstairs window!!

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