Monday, July 30, 2007

The Reunion

Ron, this post is for you. You said you keep looking for it!!
Ron was the man in charge of the corn! and it was gooood.

This get together for the few members left of my mother's family was held at Constitution Park in Cumberland MD. It's a very old park and the one thing it reminds me of is the dances they had when I was in high school. I danced to Little Eva's 'locomotion' there. Does that date me or what?

Today I am here to picnic and hopefully catch a glimpse of some
Our pavilion was located right near the duck pond and in the

Tall trees and wondering paths and roads

I do not know the name of this butterfly, but it was quite lovely resting on the pebbles along the walk way. I was happy to get this shot for my window on nature.

Joe is my mother's oldest brother and the only immediate living member of the Bruner family.
seen here feeding the ducks.
Thank God for timers on cameras. allowed me to get this shot with me in the picture.

And! at the end of the day we were actually sitting at the picnic table talking about woodpeckers and discussing which ones were coming to the yard of Ron's parents... And someone said like that one right there, and I looked up and right beside us were two pileated woodpeckers. Until I got the camera and got a couple shots,they had flown further away, but I was thrilled to get a shot you could identify!

Made my day at Constitution Park. . . Almost as much fun as dancing to locomotion!!!
Dedicated to Ron Shipley... the corn man!

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