After dinner I went for a ride trying to find 'fawns' near or far or anywhere but 'nada' everywhere I went. So I ended up at my old haunt....yes! your backyard Aunt B. And I guess my prayers were answered because I actually saw a few fawns. Some far away, but I saw them!
As soon as I pulled in the crippled doe's fawn was hiding in the tall grass but I managed to get a few shots.
As soon as I pulled in the crippled doe's fawn was hiding in the tall grass but I managed to get a few shots.
a little further up I saw this lone doe standing and watching me intently. I took a lot of shots and when I got home I realized there are twins in the picture.
On down toward my dad's I saw this fawn way back in the field. It sure looked cute.
As I was leaving and by now it's really dark, I saw another doe with twins way up at the top of the field.
And all I could think was "Thank you God" for letting me see these beautiful fawns.
Thou has put gladness in my heart......
Psm 4:7a
To God be the Glory
Thou has put gladness in my heart......
Psm 4:7a
To God be the Glory
Thanks bird girl. It was about time for sure. I was feeling very left out! It sure was a fun and rewarding evening for me!
I was told a long time ago, "Patience in a virtue." Well, it sure paid off for you Jalynn01. Good for you!!!
A-w-w-w...I just love fawns!!!They are ever so deer;-)
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