My dad was born on July 21, 1926 and he was one of a kind.
When my mom died in 2006 I became his care-giver
Along with my brothers we did everything to keep him at home
and see to his every need.
He died at home on December 13, 2009.
I wrote this for his funeral.
83 years old
Never complaining...
always joking as if he would live forever.
A loving kind responsible husband
An able provider
A hard worker
A giving loving father, grandfather
and great grandfather...
This was OUR father.
Now at peace in the arms of the Lord.
Dad, you are our hero.
"Absent from the body, present with the Lord:
II Corin. 5:6-8
Along with my brothers we did everything to keep him at home
and see to his every need.
He died at home on December 13, 2009.
I wrote this for his funeral.
83 years old
Never complaining...
always joking as if he would live forever.
A loving kind responsible husband
An able provider
A hard worker
A giving loving father, grandfather
and great grandfather...
This was OUR father.
Now at peace in the arms of the Lord.
Dad, you are our hero.
"Absent from the body, present with the Lord:
II Corin. 5:6-8
Our special journey has ended, but our love
goes on forever. I'll miss you daddy.
Today the snow came...and he would have been
telling me stories about snow had he been here. We
would have discussed the birds at the feeders or maybe
we would have talked about how we don't get the
big heavy deep snows like we used to.
My feeders are full of birds today. I have
included some of the pictures. I think they came
to pay their respects... as the people did the past
two days at the viewing and the funeral.
Daddy on the other hand has stepped on shore, taking the hand
of God and is breathing new air... celestial air
I can tell how much your Dad meant to you and your family. itself..shows the kind of man he was. You have been blessed.
A beautiful tribute from a loving daughter. I am sure your tears were falling as you put this all together.
God be with you and those you love.
I'm so sorry about your Dad's passing. My heart aches for you. Art and I were just talking this morning about my missing my Dad. He's been gone 5 years now and would have just loved helping us with our planning for finishing off the upstairs at Hasty. Your loving tribute to your father shines with your love for him. You are in my prayers.
I can sense the pain in those words,even though you know he is in a better place.Yes,life does go on,but sometimes we don't know how.I reach out to you to give you a big hug and assure you of my prayers.God knows how you feel and He understands.
I am so sorry to hear of your dad's passing and my most heartfelt condolences to you and your family. Even though you are missing him dearly as I am my dear stepmom we can rejoice that they are celebrating Christmas with Jesus this year in heaven!
I will remember you in prayer over the next few weeks.
I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your father. What a beautiful tribute to him. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Beautiful. Being an old guy like your dad, I got tears in my eyes reading this. I know how it feels to be old and I hope and pray for the best for us all.
Your dad will have his first Christmas in Heaven. Just imagine that.
Beautiful memories, and a beautiful tribute. I will be thinking of you; this is not something we can ever be ready for.
Such a wonderful tribute to your Father. He must have been so proud of you and how you embrace all that life gives and shares. Your decorations and bird photos are s great example of your positive view on colorful and upbeat! You will go forward and you will never forget a parent that helped to make you.. you!!
My thoughts of sympathy go out to you and your family. Do take a little time for yourself these holidays.. :)
I'm so sorry, Jalynn. You have my condolences.
I know how hard it is to lose a loved one so near the holidays. My wonderful mother passed away on Dec. 16, 1994. The Lord will see you through this and comfort you now and in the coming days... and beyond.
A little poem that has helped me so much with the passing of my mother AND my father is this...
"To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die."
Our loved ones will always live in our hearts. And we have that blessed hope to look forward to of seeing them again in heaven.
I'll be thinking of you and praying for you and your family.
My deepest condolences to you and the family. A lovely tribute.
Thank you for sharing.
Anyone who has been to this crossroads in life surely knows how important friends and prayers are... Thank you all my blogger friends. Your words mean so much to me. and Yes! it surely is good to know he is heaven free from struggling to breathe and move. I thank God for my time with dad and Praise the Lord for He is Good!
Dear Jalynn,
I'm so sorry and late and just learning about your dear Dad...we talked about this recently.
This is a lovely and sweet tribute to him. Let the holidays heal you. Smile in his memory. He would like that.
Hugs, big hugs. I know...
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