Sunday, January 20, 2008

Busy Day at the Feeders

As the temperatures dip into the single digits
over night and a little snow falls in PA, the
birds are looking for food.
I am so excited when I can stay home and
watch to see what is happening around the
feeder stations. Today was busy.
finches, cardinals, chickadees, titmouse

Whether it was seeds or suet the birds
were happily filling up.

Ms. Cardinal was just looking pretty perched in the lilac.

Mr. Snowman offers both seeds in the bucket
and suet by the fence at the bottom. The downy
loves this little station.

Red Belly will get suet about anywhere it is offered.

Ms. Cardinal tries the new 'heart' feeder...
Valentine's day IS almost here.

While Mr. Cardinal watches and waits for his turn.
His color is stunning in the winter leafless bushes.

He takes his turn at the 'heart' feeder.

I was sorry to see the day come to a close... watching
birds today has been fun.

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