Thursday, November 8, 2007

A walk in the park.....Menlo Park

Menlo Park which in Edison NJ where my husband's job
"Maidenform" moved has this awesome diner.

The Menlo Park Diner is right up my alley. I love old
diners....the way they look and the food they serve up.

This one did not disappoint. We had breakfast here.

Check out the old time atmosphere. There were jukeboxes
at every table where you could drop in a coin and listen
to an old song.

Meno Park is also a park where you can walk
and enjoy nature. It was beautifully clothed in autumn

A small stream ran right through it ..

And a natural spring that warned 'consumption of spring
water at your own risk'

Hiding among the leaves in perfect camouflage is
this darling squirrel. There were hundreds of them
as the park is filled with oak trees... hence acorns

As the sun was setting we stopped to see the new office
building for Maidenform, where my husband works.
reflectively speaking, it was colorful and bright.

Each night I was there there was an equally gorgeous sunset.

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